Software Company in Jabalpur, UK, South Africa

Oil and Gas Industry

Gain Better Control and Visibility into your Production, Distribution, Sales and Trading Operations. Achieve unparalleled productivity with best in class application software for critical oil and gas operations.

Software design for oil and gas industries

Oil & Gas Industry

We specialize in modernizing and streamlining existing systems and integrating new IT systems. Our goal to facilitate the production, distribution, sales and trading operations of oil and natural gas companies. Kreyon partners with oil and gas producers, distributors and retailers, responding to the dramatic evolution of the oil and gas industry.

Client Challenges


Reducing costs to remain competitive.


Improving performance & utilisation of assets.

web development

Manage assets in remote locations using centralised systems.

software designs

Supply chain distribution optimization to reduce wastage.

Software solutions Software company

Redesign and redeployment of existing assets.


Tracking Complex chain of industry operations & processes

custom software development

Solution We Offer

Asset Management


Quick adaptation of the management team to the oilfield service business requirements and agile establishment of the offshore development center of hand-picked pros.

Digital Oilfields


Bring together financial processes with automated, real-time analytics, and translate them into forward-looking business insight across the entire organization.

oil and gas IT solutions in South Aftrica

Procurement and Networks

Streamline procurement processes across your organization, driving compliance and control while cutting costs and risks.

oil and gas industry analytics


Take advantage of in-depth data analysis, predictions, and processing of complex events, and combine data from a variety of sources into one, integrated platform.

Future Workplace

Cloud and Data Platforms

Leverage business applications that use the latest technology advancements – including the cloud, mobile, and more.

oil and gas industry internet of things

Internet of Things (IoT)

Deploy high-velocity, intelligent edge IoT applications using business and technology services.

Benefits for Oil and Gas Industry


Expertise in mobile technologies helps oil and gas companies deliver information to their work forces, no matter where they are.
 Asset Management for Oil and Gas companies in UK

Pipeline Management

Manage your production facilities, pipelines, refineries and distribution facilities more intelligently, predicatively and in real-time with new wireless, mobile and big data analytics technologies.

Pipeline Management
Oil and gas IT solutions

Big Data Analytics

Kreyon heritage in information-defined services strengthens our skills at deriving business intelligence from large data sets.

oil and gas industry energy trading/risk management

Energy Trading/Risk Management

Our energy trading capabilities combined with industry-leading financial trading expertise can help oil and gas companies better manage and profit from their assets while protecting against market volatility.

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