About Illuminous
- Student’s Details
- Human Resource
- Cash & Transactions
- Reports
- And More

Illuminous is a world class application suite for complete automation of a college. It is designed to not only deliver Online management that can create users, manage user Account information, Library functionality, Attendance record, Hostel facilities etc., but also allows organization to easily design their Time Table, Lab Plan, Learning material, and efficiently utilise its resources. With CMS software, you can quickly and easily create and administer online user information with minimal effort, giving you more time to spend with learners in the classroom or the workplace.
Student Details

Students are the most essentials part of any institution. Illuminous offers complete managment of all the students along with their profiles, academic data, transaction history, their engagement with extra curricular activities and etc.
Following points details the provided features.
- Management of profiles with contact details.
- Email & SMS notification system
- Management of Academic data i.e. Attendance, Semester Results, Internal/External marks.
- Management of pending/collected fee i.e. college fee, Library fine, Examination fee & other charges.
- Automated SMS query system i.e. students can check book availability in library and pending fee status by sending SMS
- Online submission of assignments.
- Students can look for teacher's availability for their query resolution.
- Illuminous also provide Teacher-Guardian module for better monitoring of students.
Human Resource

Illuminous provides complete automation of process related to Employees management. All the employees activities can be monitored and reports can be generated to determine resource utilization.
- Automated Management of Lesson Plans/Lesson Plan execution with two levels of approval system.
- Management of Employees attendance. We support RFID cards & Biometrics.
- Leave application module that takes backup user into account while employee is on leave.
- Automatic generation of user salary with deduction for leave without pay.
- Academic time table that helps with user-load analysis.
Cash and Transactions

Illuminous offers Accounts and Inventory modules. That helps management with cash flow analysis.
- Create, manage & monitor ledgers as per your need.
- Collect & monitor fee from students.
- Monitor expenses in employees salary.
- Value of engaged Inventory in institution.
- Report for pending fee.
- Report for Over Dues.
- Report for recurring payments.
- Reports for collected late fee from library and other charges i.e. fee for training programs.
- Inventory module supports disposable & non disposable items.
- Monitory quantity and health of issued inventory in different departments
- and many more...

Once your employees start feeding in the data. Illuminous starts generating reports for quick review based on the kind of data.
As follows are the few reports out of many that Illuminous offers.
- Attendance Register: It's in the exact same format as you use in your existing register, so employees can take prints outs and convert the attendance in Illuminous to hard copies.
- Attendance Reports: Subject wise attendance percentage with clear mention for students not eligible for university exams.
- Employees Teaching & TG Progress: Single report shows activity index of all the employees that includes engaged lectures, planned and executed lesson plans, activity as TG etc..
- Monthly, weekly reports for cash flow analysis. It covers all the transactions occurred during given period.
- Department wise efficiency report, that shows percentage participation in net profit and occured expenses.
- Reports for students performance i.e. performance in internal exams and university exams.
- Single click report generation for students with short attendance, pending fee, poor performance, poor behavioral aspects & more..
- Reports for feedback provided by students to their faculty members.
- Reports for NBA and TCS accreditations
Other Modules
Illuminous offers more than 100 modules and dozens of reports. Here you can find some more modules. For the complete list of modules please feel free to write us.
- Training and Placement modules allows TPO to filter students on selected criteria and notify them for upcoming campus drives via integrated SMS and Email notification system, generate reports for selected students and manage campus history.
- Visitor modules, to keep track of your visitors.
- Manage notices of your college, custom criteria to issue notices for specific group of employees.