Software Company in Jabalpur, UK, South Africa

Understanding data science

Data Science is the practice and process of extracting data from one or more sources, and compiling and analyzing it, in order to make data-based business decisions. Data scientists find insights and solve meaningful business problems.
Data scientists convert data into actionable insights using their knowledge of statistics, modelling and data science tools.


Explore & Identifying the challenge what’s possible with data.

Determining Data

Determining, collecting and cleaning data setsBuilding models and algorithms to mine the data.

Analyzing Data

Analyzing the data to identify patterns and build a modern data product.


Communicating with team to findings through visualizations

Turning data volume into strategic business insights

We offer Data Science as a Service as well as create complex analytics systems for technology businesses and service providers. We can transform unstructured or structured data into metrics and analytics understandable for non-technical users. We automate data processing and integrate these data with your organization’s current workflows.

  • Data Science as a Service
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Market basket analysis
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Predictive analysis
  • Price optimization solutions
  • Behavior analysis

Data Science as a Service

Data science as a service (DSaaS) is a form of outsourcing that involves the delivery of information gleaned from advanced analytics applications run by data scientists at an outside company to corporate clients for their business use. A DSaaS provider collects data from clients, prepares it for analysis, runs analytical algorithms against the refined data and returns the findings generated by the algorithms to the customers.
Data science services

Competitive intelligence

Competitive Intelligence (CI) is the process of collecting, aggregating and analyzing external data for the benefit of a company. A good introduction to the subject can be found in Competitive Intelligence Advantage: How to Minimize Risk, Avoid Surprises, and Grow Your Business in a Changing World. I particularly appreciate the use cases showing the distinction between competitive intelligence and competitor analysis.
Data science Analytics
Research & Analysis with Data Science Data science Target Benchmarking Studies using Data Science Company Analysis and Profiling with Data Science Competitor Analysis using Data Science Data Science Gap Analysis

Market basket analysis

Market Basket Analysis (also called as MBA) is a widely used technique among the Marketers to identify the best possible combinatory of the products or services which are frequently bought by the customers. This is also called product association analysis.

Sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is a method for gaining opinions of individuals or groups, such as a segment of a brand’s audience or an individual customer in communication with a customer support representative. Based on a scoring mechanism, sentiment analysis monitors conversations and evaluates language and voice inflections to quantify attitudes, opinions, and emotions related to a business, product or service, or topic. Sentiment analysis is sometimes also referred to as opinion mining.

Software solutions

Predictive analysis

Predictive analytics is the branch of the advanced analytics which is used to make predictions about unknown future events. Predictive analytics uses many techniques from data mining, statistics, modeling, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to analyze current data to make predictions about future. It uses a number of data mining, Predictive modeling and analytical techniques to bring together the management, information technology, and modeling business process to make predictions about future.

business analytics solutions

Price optimization solutions

Price Optimization is a machine learning solution that delivers retailers optimized pricing decisions for every product while improving revenue and profit by more than 5%. Ready for automation and scale, the solution measures the relationship between price changes and customer demand while incorporating a retailer’s business strategy.

  • Optimized Pricing Decisions
  • Automated Process
  • Self-adjusting Aproach
  • Strategic KPI Alignment

Behavior analysis

Behavior Analysis is the scientific study of the principles of learning and behavior. This field of science is concerned with describing, understanding, predicting, and changing behavior. They seek answers by looking at the biological and environmental factors, although they are primarily interested in the role of environment in behavior change.

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