Top Trends in Technology

Technology has changed the way we live. And it will continue to change everything around us. Technology Trends that have the potential to shape the future, cause disruptions and impact the masses are always significant. Enterprises all over the world are looking to gear themselves up for such trends & take the early mover’s advantage. Here is a brief list of enterprise technology trends that are likely to dominate the landscape of the digital world:
1. Internet of Everything :
The growth of mobile devices, wireless internet and cloud computing means we live in a connected world. The rise of wearable computing, smart sensors, automated data collection, analytics and cloud enabled platforms are powering internet of things applications. Whether it is smart city, building & infrastructure, supply chain, manufacturing, connected healthcare software products, internet of things is everywhere. More such applications will drive the future.
2. Integrated Analytics :
The enterprises today are challenged to stay ahead of their competition, emphasis on productivity, efficiency & results has never been higher. As a result of this, companies now use the best in class systems for various departments, functionalities & locations. However, this leads to data proliferation and sometimes analysis of the whole thing may not be possible with different data sources. Applications which will integrate and analyse information from various data sources and predict meaningful business outcomes will be important for businesses.
3. e-Payments & Digital Banks :
The rise of e-payments will continue to grow. More innovation around finance and technology will provide unprecedented power in the hands of the consumers. Inefficient banking will give way to digital banks and international payment systems. End to end payment solutions for global consumers which will eliminate currency conversions and promote international trade will grow.
4. Offline & Online Commerce :
The rise of ecommerce development has changed the way people buy things. There is still a huge offline market which is now beginning to leverage technology for commerce. The way things are purchased in the offline market will be facilitated through online portals & websites. Whether it is map based apps, which help you to find out nearest locations, reviews and get items delivered as per your preferred time.
5. Service platforms that promote Sharing :
With the rise of sharing economy, consumers have access to greater resources than ever before. Platforms like AirBnB, Uber, and upwork are some of the great examples of sharing economy. They have transformed the whole ecosystem & changed the way people do things. Online marketplace platforms are driving major changes in the digital world today.

6. Web enabled Selling:
Every business is looking to sell more effectively to its customers. While doing that there is also considerable emphasis on minimizing cost to acquire a customer. Dynamic websites with virtual assistants, agents & ecommerce enabled functionalities are great tools to achieve that. Businesses will be on the look out to increase their reach with online selling with realtime voice, video & chat communication across channels.
7. Predictive Algorithms:
Every business needs a crystal ball to gauge the future. When businesses rely on data, correlate patterns with cognitive & predictive algorithms, they have a fair chance of peeking into the future. As per Harvard review, some insurance companies are leveraging predictive algorithms to study the user behaviours & assess their personality. They look at magazine, website subscriptions, and study photos on social media to determine the risk of an investment. These algorithms analyse information and predict candidates who’re likely to repay loans with higher probability. These predictive algorithms will enable businesses to make critical decisions in the future.
Technology is reshaping the world and has a major impact on the businesses operate. Proactive companies are able to see the patterns that will differentiate them to gain competitive advantage. The ability of an organisation to leverage these advancements for providing better products & solutions to its clients is paramount to success in an ever changing world.
Kreyon Systems offers software solutions as per the changing technology needs of business. Our business process automation, ERP software & HR software are among the leading industry solutions. If you have any questions for us, please get in touch.