The Most Popular Programming Languages According to Google

Most Popular Programming Languages
Most Popular Programming Languages

Software development is driving the world with everything from mobile to aircrafts depending on it. Whether it is mission critical applications or popular games on your mobile devices, software programming plays a part in it.

The evolution of programming languages is quite fascinating and dates back to 1940s and 50s. The first high level programming language was Plankalkül developed by Konrad Zuse between 1942 and 1945. It was the first language designed for engineering purposes.

The first commercial available language was FORTRAN developed in 1956 at IBM.

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How to build an Online Marketplace


The shared economy has taken the world by storm. Ever since the launch of ridesharing apps, room sharing portals, peer to peer lending platforms, the  shared economy revolution keeps growing. We are witnessing an enormous demand for establishing and managing marketplaces. Here we explore how to build an online marketplace to create a value proposition for end users by mapping supply & demand.

An online marketplace could be an ecommerce portal where multiple vendors can sell or rent their goods or services to customers. Some very common examples of online marketplace are Amazon, Alibaba, Airbnb, Uber, and eBay. These online stores are considered to be online marketplaces because there are many suppliers who can sell their products or services to the customers who demand them.

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How to build a Minimum Viable Product Using Design Thinking

Minimum Viable Product
Minimum Viable Product

So, you have an amazing idea? And you want to build a great business around it. The first thing you can do is talk to your potential customers and see if they really need your MVP. Design thinking encourages you to define the problem precisely & seek inputs from the customers early on.

The best way to know if you are really solving an important problem is by talking to your potential customers. Once your core product idea is validated, you can then get started with your MVP development process. An effective minimum viable product software delivers customer value.

Read More “How to build a Minimum Viable Product Using Design Thinking”

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The Rising Digital Users Worldwide & What it means for your Business


The advent of internet and its widespread penetration means that the world has shrunk into an interconnected community.

As per international world stats, there are over 4.1 billion users active on internet and they are still growing. The rising digital users are increasingly shaping the economic activity on the planet. Read More “The Rising Digital Users Worldwide & What it means for your Business”

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The Top Qualities of Highly Successful Software Products

Top Qualities of highly Successful Software Products
Qualities of Highly Successful Software Products

What makes a great software product? A great software product satisfies and fulfills a deep need for its users. It changes the way people do things and often times how industries operate. Read More “The Top Qualities of Highly Successful Software Products”

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