Digital Business Trends for Contactless Services
Data shows that consumption & spending habits of consumers are changing. A recent study from Gallup revealed that low contact forms of commerce are on the rise. Read More “Digital Business Trends for Contactless Services”
Why Shared Economy Platforms will drive the Future

The shared economy platforms and portals are changing the world. They are driving the future & how people consume products and services in their day to day lives.
The advent, growth and success of shared economy platforms for car, room sharing, personal services etc has spurred many innovations and experiments.
Read More “Why Shared Economy Platforms will drive the Future”
How to create a Successful Ecommerce Website for Your Business

The Rising Digital Users Worldwide & What it means for your Business

The advent of internet and its widespread penetration means that the world has shrunk into an interconnected community.
As per international world stats, there are over 4.1 billion users active on internet and they are still growing. The rising digital users are increasingly shaping the economic activity on the planet. Read More “The Rising Digital Users Worldwide & What it means for your Business”
10 Essential Reasons Your Business should be Digital

Whether you want to build a personal brand or a flourishing business, chances are that digital will play a key role in shaping it. The digital wave has changed the way people connect, communicate and work. A digital business combines the digital and the physical worlds to enable new business models. Read More “10 Essential Reasons Your Business should be Digital”
The best practices for Digital Transformation

According to a Forrester research report, by 2020 executives predict that 47% of their revenue will be influenced by digital channels. One third of the top 20 firms in industry segments will be disrupted by new competitors within five years as per an IDC report. The message is clear, businesses will need to go digital or risk their existence. Digital transformation is adapting the business according to changing consumer needs and constantly challenging status quo.
Measuring Success & Impact of Companies in the Digital World

There is no formula for measuring the success of a company. Most of the focus on measuring the success of a company deals with numbers related to the balance sheets, profits, shares and finances of a company. However, the impact of a company is often beyond these numbers. Read More “Measuring Success & Impact of Companies in the Digital World”