Smart City and Digitisation for Improved Governance

The smart city initiatives and digitisation move is making sweeping changes in the lives of citizens. The move is aimed at providing governance like never before. Digitisation and technology solutions have improved the speed of information exchange enabling better administration. The smart city and digital governance are meant to improve the quality of life, living standards, make public utilities seamlessly accessible for its citizens. Here is a look at some of the ways in which smart city and digitisation initiatives can improve governance:
1. Improved Project Management:
Governance is all about managing things with optimum efficiency for best results. When it comes to projects, it is crucial to know what resources are involved, the budgets, the milestones reached & all data points for improving operational efficiency. A smart governance portal allows the key decision makers to track projects and automate key reporting metrics for tracking them. All these projects can be classified as per the categories defined by the management. For e.g. tracking projects related to smart city initiatives, projects funded by a particular agency etc. In a nutshell, the key decision makers have all the critical information to take timely action for completing the projects as per the schedule, quality and other deliver parameters.
2. Tracking Budgets and utilisation factor:
The government spending and budgets involve lot of intricacies. There are various funding agencies involved in the process. The payments to contractors also need to fulfil various conditions as per the requirements from the funding agencies. The resource utilisation when it comes to infrastructure assets, public utilities and various personnel can also be improved with smart automation softwares. The budget and resource utilisation is paramount to successful implementation of the key initiatives for smart city & digital governance.
3. Bidder Analysis with key metrics:
Is the lowest cost bidder always the cheapest or the best? Not necessarily, infact more often than not, it is the lowest cost bidder for the project that eventually incurs more expenses. The quality, execution and timeliness factors along with other technical parameters are crucial for the selection of the successful bidders. Automated tools for tracking, comparing and finalising the bidder for the various projects is a vital step. Bidder analytics can help administrators with vendor evaluation, contract evaluation and complete lifecycle management of the work.

4. Grievance Management:
Good governance requires handling citizen’s grievances and complaints with urgency. Quite often, the administrators lack the necessary data metrics for tracking the execution of these grievances. But with digitisation, citizens can log their complaints through their mobile devices from any location. So, whether it is a water, electricity, transportation or housing problems grievance, all you need to do is log the complaint and track things online. The administrators can also get information about average time to service a citizen fault, best performing departments, departments with maximum pending complaints, etc. This information is necessary for improving the standard of execution and improving citizen services.

5. Manage Online bookings for Tankers, auditoriums, and other public utilities:
An online platform can be used for managing the bookings & tracking availability of key public utilities like water tankers, auditoriums etc. The citizens can make use of this service to make an online booking, make payment and manage the complete process with ease. The management can track various orders, booking demands etc to improve the availability of the public utilities. This data can be used for understanding the demand and driving new initiatives for serving the citizens better.
6. Business platform:
A thriving business environment is a sign of vibrant ecosystem. The policy makers around the world are striving for creating such ecosystems that promote trade and commerce. The smart governance initiatives can help businesses to get all clearances from a single digital window. In addition to this, the government can also create online forums for exchange of information between various businesses; provide a platform which can be used by companies to show their innovative work etc. This online portal may be used for investor meets, bringing in foreign investments to connect with local businesses. A thriving local business means creation of jobs, increased tax collection and better opportunities for citizens.
7. Tracking Citizen Services:
Automation of key citizen services can enable the decision makers with key data pointers. For e.g. the downtime percentage of a key public utility, the electricity outages, the average time to service a fault, etc can be analysed with concrete data. The data for various public utilities can be mapped and tracked with smart automation. The quality of roads, transport facility, water, electricity & wifi supply etc can be improved with digitisation and smart governance.
8. Smart Maps and property management:
The digital governance aims at improving the key necessities of public life. Housing is one of the most elementary needs of citizens. Providing smart maps and digital services for buying/selling/leasing of properties can reduce lot of issues for citizens. For every building, land or a commercial property, it can be tracked on the smart maps, the ownership and historical details associated with the property can be displayed to the citizens. The property transactions can be simplified using smart maps. The administration can also track various unpaid taxes and notify the property owners from the portal itself.
9. Tourism:
Tourism is one of the top revenue generation sources for governments. Promoting tourism creates opportunities to the citizens and local merchants. With smart city initiatives, the government can provide tourist interaction services through the portal. The hotel booking, site visits and visa etc can also be facilitated through the online travel portals. The tourists can use the smart city portals for all their queries, feedback and making online reservations. The tourism not only promotes cultural ties but also helps to improve economic development and prosperity of a city.

10. Healthcare Systems:
The administration of healthcare software systems in government hospitals remains one of the major pain areas. The use of technology for improving patient care, diagnosis and treatment of citizens can improve administration. The decision makers can use smart card facilities, information communication enabled systems for tracking healthcare facility performance. The ratio of inpatients/outpatients, feedback rating of hospital doctors, staff, cleanliness etc, can help the management to take corrective actions. Vaccination drives, healthcare and wellness drives etc can also be promoted as part of governance initiatives.
Governance requires measures to ensure transparency, collaboration for adopting international best practices and finally relentless execution to serve the citizens. The smart city projects and digitisation are meant to improve the quality of public utilities. Efficient governance means proactively responding to queries/problems of citizens, planning of ongoing initiatives on concrete data pointers and citizen engagement through use of digital channels. Digital governance and smart city management is aimed at creating positive impact in the lives of its citizens.
Kreyon Systems provides end to end software solutions for smart city & e-governance. If you need any assistance or have queries, please get in touch with us.