Top 10 trends in ERP Implementation


What makes ERP implementations challenging, complex and painful for the customers? Well, the legacy systems designed in the pre-cloud era take long implementation cycles and are extremely tough to customize. These traditional ERPs are also very expensive to maintain. The multi nationals typically have customised processes, which makes it tough to fit the legacy ERP software in their organisations. The version upgrades can be cumbersome, especially when the organisations spans across different countries. The local instance may not be in synch with the global version and require extensive integration and testing efforts.

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Top 10 reasons to capitalise on the Internet of Things


The internet of things is a digital representation of the physical world. The internet of things is an interconnected ecosystem of the devices, data and objects surrounding us. As per industry estimates, approximately 3.9 billion connected things were in use in 2014. According to Gartner, the figure is expected to be nearly 26 billion connected devices by 2020. An unprecedented growth in the connected devices has made the use case for IoT stronger than ever before. The digital solutions space represents the connected objects equipped with RF identifiers and wireless networks. The IoT enables to collect, measure, store and analyze information from these devices.

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How Enterprises are Succeeding with Cloud



Once in a while, there comes a technology that impacts the world and causes a revolution. Cloud is one such technology that has had a massive impact. It has changed the world. Cloud is at the forefront of the digital revolution that has changed the way we live and work. Most of the digital disruptions that are changing the world wouldn’t have been possible without Cloud. Amazon, Gmail, Whatsapp, Facebook, Uber, or Skype they are all powered by Cloud based technology. Cloud is the road to the future. The adoption of cloud by businesses is helping them to improve their services, accelerate business processes and uncover new revenue streams. A brief overview of how organisations are taking advantage of the cloud:

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Top 10 common mistakes that can ruin ERP implementation


The implementation of an ERP is one of the major decisions in the lifecycle of an organisation. According to Gartner, approximately 75% of all ERP projects fail. 61.1% ERP implementation take longer than expected as per Panorama ERP study. And more than 74.1% implementations exceed budget. There is also an overwhelming percent of companies who don’t end up getting what was promised to them. For an organisation spending millions of dollar and almost two years in implementation of ERP, it’s vital to take care that sufficient measures are taken to ensure success of the project. Read More “Top 10 common mistakes that can ruin ERP implementation”

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How to win and influence your customers with Design Innovation


What is the most appealing characteristic in the products that you love? Think of the top brands that you’ve used or admired. The quality that invariably makes the difference is its Design. The design of a product or service plays a major role in building a great brand. Apple is one of the most influential brands ever and it owes a lot to design innovations that helped its product stand out. Design happens to be one of the reasons why people love these products & brands. Design catches attention. It is the quintessential element in making the products usable. Designs speak to the user. They convey everything that the product/service has to offer and help your brand to be more authentic, relatable & recognisable. Here is a look at how you can influence and win your consumers with enhanced designs:

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The Best Practices in Asset Management: The Fixed Asset Register & Lifecycle Management

Asset Management System
Asset Management System

Assets are the backbone of an organisation. Asset management System is geared to automate the lifecycle management of assets. Whether it is procurement, utilisation, allotment, verification, maintenance or disposal of assets, a tool to manage all these processes is very handy for organisations. One of the key requirements for organisations is to conduct an annual audit of their fixed assets present in the company, assess their correct value and accordingly generate the financial records for the same.

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How Top Brands Are Succeeding With Digital Marketing


The boundaries between physical & digital are blurred. The old established businesses & companies are facing threats from unexpected quarters every day. Technology is powering businesses now. The rate at which these new companies are growing is alarming. Digital is the way forward. Marketing and the way products/services are consumed is also changing. Businesses who are making use of digital marketing are winning the market share, delighting their customers & leading the way.

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The Rise of The Digital Enterprise


The success of a company is determined by the efficiency of the processes that the company uses when providing any form of service to its clients. These processes include both employee management processes and customer management services. Technology has revolutionized the art of doing business. Therefore, companies that have inculcated automated systems into their processes have acquired a competitive edge over their rivals. The numerous benefits that are accrued when using an automated system include:

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