What It Takes To Build Great Products?
Kreyon Systems is an innovative software product company, building hi-tech solutions for many industries. If you need assistance with software product development, please reach out to us.
Kreyon Systems is an innovative software product company, building hi-tech solutions for many industries. If you need assistance with software product development, please reach out to us.
Selling is to business, what oxygen is to human beings. A business cannot survive without sales. The pressure to sell is immense in the raging competition of the online age. Any avenue to augment sales for a business is more than welcome. A lot of businesses are winning customers with websites now. A website is a great medium to attract global customers. It is a powerful selling tool. And businesses which are able to tap into the online world and internet are growing quickly. Selling effectively on internet is no longer optional for enterprises; it is fast becoming the norm for competitive advantage & growth.
Read More “10 Ways to Generate More Sales With Your Website”
Asset Management Services are a basic business need for any enterprise. Explore how this online asset management software can take care of your fixed assets procurement, maintenance, accounting, revaluations, compliance & complete lifecycle management. If you need a fixed asset management software, please get in touch.
As per Forbes, the average age of a fortune 500 company was around 75 years in 1955; today it is less than 15 years. It is declining steadily. Companies cannot go on for long periods without innovating or adding value to their customers. Disruption is the new normal now. Businesses are looking for levers for maximising opportunities for innovation; improve customer service, increase growth, efficiency & profits. Technology is an enabler to achieve these.
Read More “Moving Away from Legacy Software to Solutions that Work for Your Business”
This infographic illustrates the improvements in key business areas with CRM System. Simplify sales management, send quotations and increase your business profit by using the right CRM System. Kreyon Systems provides custom CRM development services. If you need any assistance, please get in touch with us.
One of the fundamental pillars of a business revolves around its operations & facilities management. As per European standards EN15221-1, facilities management is “the integration of processes within an organization to maintain and develop the agreed services which support and improve the effectiveness of its primary activities.” The scope of facilities management entails alignment of space, infrastructure, people and business processes of an organisation. Read More “How facilities management solution can Improve Business Operations”
As per a new report from MarketResearch.com, the healthcare segment of Internet of Things is expected to be $117 billion by 2020. The healthcare industry is seeing rapid developments around patient care solutions. The use of sensors, wearable devices and increased health awareness is creating a revolution in the healthcare industry. The driving objectives are providing best patient care solutions, improving patient connectivity with clinics and proactive patient care with realtime data.
Read More “How Internet of things is transforming the Healthcare Industry!”
The web is a platform with over 3 billion users. It is a great avenue for brands to generate traction and showcase themselves on a global scale. Most purchases in today’s world start with a search engine query about the product or service. The website of a business plays a pivotal role in creating brand awareness on the web. A strong brand on the web can make a business stand out from the competition and open up new avenues for growth. The customers today are relying on digital channels for collecting information about brands, their websites, company details etc before making the purchase. As per McKenzie, more than 50% of customers make their purchasing decisions online; the web is increasingly influencing buyer’s decisions. A great corporate website is one of the most important ways to leverage the web.
This infographic explains the supply chain management for an organisation. Explore the top challenges for business and how they can be resolved using supply chain management software. Kreyon Systems is a leading software company for Supply Chain Management solutions for many industries including aviation, real estate & retail. If you need any assistance with SCM solution, please get in touch.