Digital Transformation with SaaS


Digital transformation is changing the way companies work, communicate, create products/services and deliver it to their customers. The software as a service (SaaS) allows companies to create frictionless ways of providing their products & services to the customers. The products and services can be delivered to the customers over internet, resulting in ease and ubiquitous access.

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12 Killer Lessons that Make Start-up Employees Wildly Successful


Working in a start-up can take its toll on the employees. It can be hard to cope with expectations of customers, founders, and the team. If that is not enough, you have family members that want you
to work for established brands or expect overnight success in your start-up. They are misled by media coverage that highlights only the success stories for start-ups. But working in a start-up is challenging, it requires a balanced and pragmatic approach to succeed.

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