How to Establish SaaS Product Differentiation

SaaS Product Differentiation
There is a SaaS product for virtually everything today. Whether it is governments, businesses or consumers, everyone is leveraging SaaS products and solutions in some ways to get things done. SaaS product differentiation helps a business gain competitive advantage, increase adoption and growth. Read More “How to Establish SaaS Product Differentiation”

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The Impact of Software Development in Europe

Software Development in Europe
Software Development in Europe is shaping the economy of the continent like never before. It is adding jobs, employment, creating new industries and assisting the existing ones. Software is now at the heart of everything in Europe.
As per EU report, software delivers a total value added GDP of €910 billion — over 7% of the EU29 total GDP. Read More “The Impact of Software Development in Europe”

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10 Best Practices for SaaS Product Development

SaaS Product Development

SaaS product development is an evolving art. It needs continuous learning, upgradation and application for building a market differentiated and enjoyable product for customers. The SaaS product itself is the biggest driver for its customer acquisition, retention and expansion.  80% of businesses already use at least one SaaS application.

Read More “10 Best Practices for SaaS Product Development”

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Evaluating the Right Business Intelligence Features for ERP Software

Business Intelligence Features for ERP Software
Business Intelligence Features for ERP Software

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software provides an integrated business management solution that can steer your business in the right direction. But careful evaluation of the features, your requirements and assessment of the needs play a cardinal role in its implementation.

With the business intelligence and automation capabilities of the modern day software, your organisation can leapfrog to a different zone altogether. Business management can be powered by software intelligence like never before with real time data, integrated solutions and results you want.

Read More “Evaluating the Right Business Intelligence Features for ERP Software”

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How to find Software Company for building SaaS based B2B Products

How to find Software Company for building SaaS based B2B Products
How to find Software Company for building SaaS based B2B Products

Finding the right software company for building SaaS based B2B products is hard. Building enterprise software products is easy, but building good enterprise software products is quite hard. Hence all the more reason that due diligence is done before you can zone in on the right vendor. Read More “How to find Software Company for building SaaS based B2B Products”

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