8 UI & UX Design Tips for Dynamic Dashboards


Dashboard is perhaps the most important element for aggregating information for users. It is the first interface that all users interact with. For an enterprise software, it is very important to create dynamic dashboards that maximise efficiency of users. The user experience, the way data is presented and ease with which key insights are delivered by the software can create a huge difference to the productivity of its users.


What is a dynamic dashboard? A dynamic dashboard rearranges itself according to the changing data patterns in the system. It presents the most relevant information to its users. For e.g. if there is a high priority proposal for approval, then it highlights it for the user to take the required action.

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10 Ways IT professionals can keep themselves Updated with changing Technologies


Bill Gates once said, “Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.”  

This is so true about the world of technology. Everything changes so fast that you need to constantly sharpen yourself to keep up with the times.

Keeping your technical skills up to date can be a challenging task. But you have to do it, else you run the risk of being outdated and outskilled for the industry. To do any meaningful work that creates impact in the tech industry, one has to follow the ongoing developments in your field, develop the right skills and expertise.

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5 Traits of World Class Software Development Teams


Software is all pervasive and becoming a key driver of industries in the digital age. Everything you do today revolves around technology in some way or the other. Even the most traditional sectors like agriculture, mining and natural resource industries are increasingly adopting software and technology for day to day operations.

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How to Ensure Digital Transformation Success for Your Business

Digital Transformation Success
Digital Transformation Success

We are living in an era of digital transformation. The technology boom has taken over various industries, societies and governments around the world. The impact of these advancements mean that you can no longer rest on what you’ve done in the fast. The businesses today need to evolve with changing consumer needs of the day.

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How Design thinking Can Shape end to end Customer Experience


The customers today expect a high level of care and attention in the products they use. The user experience and customer expectations keep rising in the digital world. Many leading companies are adopting design thinking to create products and services with a customer first to thrive in the technology driven world.

Design thinking is helping companies create end to end customer experience, crafted with empathy for end users, encourages feedback for constantly improving products and services.

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3 Most Important Things for building a Minimum Viable Software Product


Build Minimum Viable software Product
Build Minimum Viable software Product

The mobile internet and digital technologies are creating a wave of changes in the world. The consumers are looking for ways to get things done at their convenience wherever they are. The rise of the digital revolution is giving way to many innovations and disruptions in our day to day lives.

Read More “3 Most Important Things for building a Minimum Viable Software Product”

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