10 Traits of Highly Successful Professionals

What makes a person highly successful in his profession? Companies & individuals are always looking for the secret mantra to answer this paradox. We live in a world where mediocrity is massacred, excellence is worshipped. Top Professionals in sports, media, and organisations deal with ever growing pressure & yet perform to the best standards. They rise to the challenges on big occasions, handle enormous expectations, and consistently deliver their best. Highly successful professionals relentlessly pursue perfection that separates them from others & put them in a league of their own. A look at some of the traits of highly successful professionals from different fields and how what makes them excel:
1. Make the environment positive:
The successful professionals create an atmosphere of positivity. They excel, because they are determined to. They create positive vibes around them; their presence contributes to the overall success of the project. They are energetic, cheerful & drive the group towards the goals. When they are assigned a challenging task, they figure out ways to make it happen & inspire others around them too.
2. Self driven & Passionate:
The top athletes, Olympians, musicians, artists & great programmers are all driven by their passion. They push the levels of performance and have a burning desire to excel in their chosen fields. They absolutely love what they do and spend most of their lives building skills that make them special. They take great pride in their work and performance.
3. Improve and learn new skills:
With the rapid growth of technology, we live in a world where skills become obsolete very quickly. Things become outdated very fast. An expert professional is the one who keeps track of ongoing developments in his field and constantly improves his skills. They seek out feedback from their managers/mentors to learn about their blind spots so that they can improve.
4. Help their co-workers:
The top professionals are real team players. They proactively reach out to their peers to help them improve their skills. They are easy to get along with and don’t have big egos. They know that the strength of the team is more important than individuals. They are able to guide, mentor and help their co-workers to accomplish team objectives. The highly successful professionals understand that it is important to harness good relationships in work place. They radiate enthusiasm and solve problems for the team’s cause.
5. Focused:
Several studies have shown that the growth of mobile devices and social media channels are distracting people from productive work. The attention span of individuals is on the decline. For high quality work, one needs dedicated attention & focus. Successful professionals follow a routine and stick to it, so that they are productive. Most of them schedule things in such a manner that they accomplish most difficult tasks that demand peak attention in the morning hours or at a time where they can handle it the best. They are extremely focused, and utilise their time very efficiently to deliver work that matters.
6. Understand Priorities:
The key to success is to do the key work. The demands in business, sports and various other fields are multiplying every day. The best professionals are able to prioritize things according to the needs of the situation. They are flexible and ever adaptable. They accept responsibility for their work & keep themselves on track with a strong sense of discipline & direction.
7. Bring True Value:
They understand the difference between good work and extraordinary work. They do work that truly creates a differentiation, they spend time developing and building things that can solve problems for people & create true value. When they work on something, they are able to dive deep into it and understand how they can create something truly valuable. While other people are happy on the periphery, the top professionals are able to gain indepth knowledge & mastery in the field.
8. Take Ownership of things:
They take ownership of things and want to do well. When they are working, they take full responsibility & ownership of things. They never make excuses and understand that they are accountable for the outcomes. They do everything they can to surpass expectations & deliver top results consistently.
9. Handle Pressure Well:
The threat of competition is always looming, business models are being disrupted, and things keep changing at the blink of an eye. Professionals today are constantly under pressure to deliver excellence. There is pressure on individuals to perform better than ever before. Top professionals handle and absorb the pressure. They rise to the occasion and are mentally very strong. They know what it takes to excel in demanding environments. They develop routines to train themselves physically and mentally to stay strong and are experts in dealing with pressure.
10. They try until they succeed:
It takes extreme dedication & discipline to be successful. One of the hallmarks that separate the successful ones from the others is the ability to finish off things. The most dogged ones are relentless, they just don’t give up, they keep pushing the limits, they do insane amount of work & at the end they win. They simply don’t give up in the middle; they look at things with an optimistic mindset and give it everything they’ve got until they succeed. Whether it is learning new skills, delivering an impossible presentation or developing the next big thing, it requires extra ordinary perseverance and efforts. They work hard, persevere against all odds and make things happen. The truly successful professionals never back-off; they simply try until they succeed.
Success in any field is related to confidence, confidence is related to competence, and competence is related to practice. The top professionals find ways to improve themselves in different areas of their craft & stand out from others. They control themselves, take charge of situations and adapt with ease. They push themselves and keep trying until they get what they want. They not only win but inspire others to rise & shine too.
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Really important information to climb up the ladder of success!